Premium 22' Pontoon

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  • Premium 22' Pontoon: $0.00
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22' Pontoon With 60-90 HP 4 stroke motor
10 person Capacity
Bluetooth Radio
Built in cup holders & storage
Bimini top canopy shade
Large wrap around L-shaped bench with back gate walk through
Built in ladder and swim platform
2 Anchors
All Safety Equipment

A fantastic family or smaller group boat for the person who wants a newer condition luxury rental.

60-90 HP Mercury 4 stroke motor. Bluetooth radio, fishing pole holders, either captains chairs or bench seats in front, and 2 livewells for storage. 10 person capacity based on 150lb passengers.

Please feel free to add your request for either captains chairs or bench seats in front in the comments section and we will do our best to accommodate. There is a tow bar on the bench seat 22' pontoon for tubing.

What to Bring:
Driver's License
Credit Card Used For Reservation
Boating Education Card if born after Jan 1, 1998.
Phone Charger

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